

3.林肯公园的you are beautiful歌词





Hands Held High(一首舒缓的歌,反战主题的)

In Between(一首轻柔的,能让人平静下来的歌)

No Roads Left(一首听起来让人震撼,弄懂歌词后让人感动的歌) 这三首全是Mike唱的

It's Going Down也只有Mike,不过只说没唱

还有Mike作为Fort Minor出的个人专辑The Rising Tied你可能知道了


Hands Held High手举高 Linkin Park联合公园

turn my

mic up louder i got to say something

lightweights step it aside when we come in

feel it in your chest / the syllables get pumping

people on the street they panic and start running

words on loose leaf sheet complete coming

i jump in my mind and summon the rhyme i'm dumping

healing the blind i promise to let the sun in

sick of the dark ways we march to the drum and

jump when they tell us that they wanna see jumping

fuck that / i wanna see some fists pumping

risk something / take back what's yours

say something that you know they might attack you for

cause i'm sick of being treated like i he before

like it's stupid standing for what i'm standing for

like this war's really just a different brand of war

like it doesn't cater to rich and abandon poor

like they understand you in the back of the jet / when you

can't put gas in your tank / and these fuckers are

laughing their way to the bank / cashing the check

asking you to he compassion / he respect

for a leader so nervous in an obvious way

stuttering and mumbling for nightly news to replay

and the rest of the world watching at the end of the day

in their living room laughing like

what did he say

in my living room watching / i am not laughing / cause

when it gets tense i know what might hen

the world is cold / the bold men make action

he to react or get blown into fractions

ten years old / it's something to see / another

kid my age drug under a jeep

taken and bound / and found later under a tree

i wonder if he had thought the next one could be me

do you see / the soldiers / they're out today they

brush the dust from bulletproof vests away

it's ironic / at times like this you pray

but a bomb blew the mosque up yesterday

there's bombs on the busses / bikes / roads

inside your market / your shops / your clothes / my dad

he's got a lot of fear i know

but enough pride inside not to let that show

my brother had a book he would hold with pride

a little red cover with a broken spine

on the back / he hand wrote a quote inside:

'when the rich wage war it's the poor who die'

and meanwhile / the leader just talks away

stuttering and mumbling for nightly news to replay

the rest of the world watching at the end of the day

both scared and angry like

what did he say

with hands held high into a sky so blue

as the ocean opens up to swallow you

Performed by Mike Shinoda


Album:Minutes to Midnight

专辑:《末日警钟 毁灭·新生》(2007)


No Roads Left无路可走 Linkin Park联合公园

standing alone with no direction


how did I fall so far behind


why Am I searching for perfection


Knowing it's something I won't find


in my fear and flaws


I let myself down again


all because


I run


till the silence splits me open


I run


till it puts me underground


till I he no breath


and no roads left but one


when did I lose my sense of purpose


can I regain what's lost inside


why do I feel like I deserve this


why does my pain look like my pride


in my fear and flaws


I let myself down again


all because


I let myself down


in my fear and flaws


I run


till the silence splits me open


I run


till it puts me underground


till I he no breath


and no roads left but one


no roads left but one


in my fear and flaws


I let myself down again


all because


I run


and the silence splits me open


I run


and it puts me underground


but there's no regret


and no roads left to run


Performed by Mike Shinoda


Album:Minutes to Midnight

专辑:《末日警钟 毁灭·新生》(2007)


Ladies and gentlemen how do you doCame here to talk about a thing so trueGot me hangin' aroundDriven into the groundGot me cryingLadies and gentlemen how 'd you reactTell me about it as a matter of factI was only the baitIn my lover's debateI 've been dyingHad enoughAnd now I 'm leingElvis has left the buildingYou had your chanceYou had the honourBut baby you're no MadonnaHad enoughAnd now I 'm leingElvis has left the buildingYou had your chanceYou had the honourBut baby you're no MadonnaLadies and gentlemen I 'm leing tonightNot gonna stay and suffer all of my lifeIf I made a mistakeGotta go for my sakeAnd correct itLadies and gentlemen I 'm wishing you wellIt 's time for me to stop living this hellI he only one heartTime for me to restartAnd protect itHad enoughAnd now I 'm leingElvis has left the buildingYou had your chanceYou had the honourBut baby you're no Mad 女士们,先生们,你们来这里谈论一件事情真的让我挂在左右到地面驱动我哭了,女士们、先生们,你怎么会告诉我这是一件我只是诱饵,我爱人的辩论,我已经死了且我现在我离开埃尔维斯已经离开了这座大楼,你有机会能有幸但宝贝你没有麦当娜已经足够我现在离开埃尔维斯已经离开了这座大楼,你有机会能有幸但宝贝你没有麦当娜女士们、先生们今夜我要离开不会留下来忍受我的所有如果我犯了一个错误,要去为我的学问甚至正确的女士们、先生们,我祝你不如的时候我就停止了生活这你只有一个心脏的时间我其余的艺术保护它,现在我离开埃尔维斯已经离开了这座大楼,你有机会能有幸但宝贝你你没有疯




Petite Meller的Milk Bath




Enrique iglesia 2008主题曲就是他唱的

女的话,shakira 不错,还是瑜伽高手






1.Aint It Funny(Jennifer Lopez)

2.Born To Make You Hy(布兰妮)

3.Pretty Boy(M2M)

4.Loving You(Shanice)

5.Only Time(恩雅enya)

6.Scarborough Fair(莎拉布莱曼Sarah Brightman)

7.Without You(马丽亚凯利)



找一个欧美歌手 MV关于战争的

this is war—30 seconds to mars


Michael Jackson.the King of Pop!







aaron carter的真正含义:














AARON 于1987年12月7日出生于佛罗里达的 TAMPA儿童综合医院。 AARON是的,在这个宝贵的时刻有人陪他一起度过。因为他的孪生姐姐ANGEL仅在他前几分钟降临人世。AARON和ANGEL的降生受到了他们的三个兄弟姐妹 BIE JEAN(B.J.)LESLIE, 和NICK的欢迎。B.J.和NICK都出生在JAMESTOWN的WCA医院。 这是在他们还没有搬来佛罗里达之前。LESLIE出生在佛罗里达的"退休之家的别墅花园"里, 也就是现在CARTER一家生活和工作的地方。

AARON的音乐生涯在他7岁时就开始了。 他成为"DEAD END"乐队的主唱。从那时开始他创下了打击乐史上最小年龄的世界记录。AARON和"DEAD END"在大约两年后分道扬镳。 对此,AARON说:"他们想从事"替换/选择音乐",而我做更多的流行音乐。"从此,AARON成为了一个独唱演员。他将更多的时间花在了声乐训练上。不久,AARON将教授声乐课作为职业。


Aaron的Oh Aaron - Live In Concert 获得了巨大的成功。

Aaron Carter:很明显,他不是普通的青少年。

2岁学唱歌7岁组乐队 亚伦卡特书写音乐



13岁的亚伦是英国音乐史上拥有连续五首十大金曲的最年轻的歌手,他是Backstreet Boys(后街男孩)演唱会的特别嘉宾,第一张专辑也在全球各国的十大排行榜上同时也在全球12个国家得到金唱片销售,第二张专辑更是写下多项白金唱片的销售纪录。

亚伦在2岁的时候就开始学习唱歌及跳舞,7岁的时候就开始组成第一个属于他自己的乐团。亚伦回忆说:“我在能说话的时候就学会如何唱歌了,我会一面唱歌一面绕着屋子跳着舞。”亚伦很的有一位大哥哥做一个好典范,那就是当今最红的男孩团体Backstreet Boys(后街男孩)的成员Nick,Nick的成功无疑的替亚伦卡特开辟了一条康庄大道,从Nick身上他学习了如何在五光十色的事业中找到一条生存之道。13岁的他褪去以往小男孩青涩的感觉,愈发俊秀的脸庞加上充满活力的演出,成了青少年的新偶像!

亚伦推出最新专辑《0H!AARON》(《天之骄子》),一推出就登上美国告示牌排行榜的TOP7,而这张专辑除了延续亚伦一贯的Hip Hop、RAP、雷鬼音乐风格,更祭出了胞兄———后街男孩成员中的Nick,特别跨刀与亚伦合唱了首支单曲“Not too young,Not too old”以及标题曲“0H!AARON”。专辑中还收录有I'm all about you—亚伦卡特首度深情献唱的抒情曲,及亚伦卡特的小王子白皮书“The kid in you”,他藉著这首歌向全世界宣告:“永远会以音乐唤醒所有聆听者心中沉睡的青春活力!”



亚伦.卡特是英国音乐史上拥有连续五首十大金曲的最年轻的歌手,被人誉为“流行乐小王子”。 身为当今最红的男孩团体“新好男孩”成员尼克.卡特的弟弟,他是“新好男孩”演唱会的特别嘉宾,第一张专辑在全球各国的十大排行榜上同时也在全球12个国家得到金唱片销售,第二张专辑《欢乐派对》创下多项白金唱片的销售记录,并一举拿下Billboard专辑榜第4名,以迅雷不及掩耳之势走红。第三张专辑《天之骄子》使他荣获第三届Teen Choice Award(少年选择奖)最佳男歌手。




全名: Aaron Charles Carter

暱称: airboy, AC (by nick), evil knievel (by dad), cyclone (by gary carolla), big "a" (by gary carolla), little prince of pop (by mom), banchee (by dad), mc ac, mc aaron, baby backstreet, airhead (by dad), aar-bear, aaron c, stella boy, little percy, k-ce

生日: 1987年12月7日星期一早晨8:02(比他的双胞胎姐姐晚1分钟)

星座: 人马座

现状: 单身...再一次!

诞生石: 绿宝石

出生地: tampa, fl at tampa general hospital

成长地: ruskin, fl

现在居住地: marathon in the fl keys

发色: 棕色和金色混合

眼睛颜色: 棕色

身高: 178公分

体重: 68公斤-结实的肌肉

*** : ck 拳击短裤

鞋号: 10 1/2

会玩的乐器: 鼓,萨克斯管,钢琴,低音电吉他

宗教: 基督教

最喜欢的礼物: 他的狗-oscar,摩托车,圣诞节刚得到的跑车

加入乐队:DEAD END(后解散)

爱 好

书: 《海底两万里》

宠物: oscar(一只德国猎狗)

车: black viper, `67 shelby mustang gt500

运动: 越野摩托,篮球,橄榄球

橄榄球队: denver broncos

大学: fsu(佛罗里达州立大学)

食物: 义大利面,匹萨饼,寿司,鸡翅

匹萨上的配料: 乳酪,义大利辣香肠

快餐: 麦当劳,fat burger

油炸圈饼: glazed krispe kremes

零食: fruit-roll-ups

麦片: kellogg`s frosted flakes, lucky charms

饮料: sprite(雪碧)

糖果: jolly rancher棒棒糖,runts

糖块: ix

冰淇淋: 巧克力味

颜色: 蓝和绿

服装: sean john, guess

男演员: gee clooney, bruce willis

女演员: sandra bullock

电视节目: 老友记,极限运动

动画片: johnny bro, ren and stimpy

**: shrek

一星期的哪一天: 星期五

动物: 狼,老虎,狗

月份: 12月

节日: 生日,圣诞节


服装设计师: sketchers

身体部分: 头发

bennie娃娃: bronty

洗发水: infusiom 23

室内消遣: 玩任天堂游戏机

任天堂游戏: 塞尔达传说


乐队: Journey, Sting, Metallica, Michael Jackson

说唱歌手: tupac

女艺术家: Jessica Simpson

britney还是christina: christina

olsen双胞胎: Mary Kate

歌: "Send her my love" - Journey

"Aaron Carter" 中的歌: "I`m gonna miss you forever"

"Aaron`s party" 中的歌: "Bounce"

"oh Aaron" 中的歌: "Stride"

"Another earthquake" 中的歌: "When it es to you"

Nick Carter的歌: "My confession"

Music Video: "Bad" - Michael Jackson

老师: Mrs. Matthews

科目: 数学和音乐


01) oscar buntin carter 银色的wiemaraner (Aaron的"儿子")

02) jo-jo 灰白色的西伯利亚爱斯基摩狗

03) merlyn bj的白灰色的shih tzu

04) pepper 一对mini-schnauzers中的一只,和ac的祖父母住在纽约

05) salty 另一只mini-schnauzer,和ac的祖父母住在纽约

06) pharaoh 黑褐色的(德国种)罗特韦尔犬,aaron起的名字

07) sky 黑褐色的(德国种)罗特韦尔犬,ac的父亲bob起的名字

08) sampson carter家的德国shepard

09) simba carter家的金毛猎犬

10) zena 黑色的doberman

11) keela 一只jack russell terrier

12) sparky 一只shih tzu

13) precious ac妈妈的哈巴狗

14) bear 不知道

15) t.j. 不知道

16) tikki 一只灰白色的shi tzu

17) akayia 一只狼狗

18) mikey jordan nick的哈巴狗

19) willy wonka nick的哈巴狗

20) huston nick的哈巴狗

21) sabbath nick孩童时期的迷你pincher (已经安息了)

22) rambo aaron新得到的小狗, 一只黑色的哈巴狗


01) ladybird 一只白色的美冠鹦鹉

02) chubby 一只蓝色的长尾小鹦鹉

03) goliath 一只**的美冠鹦鹉


01) bandit 一只黑白猫 (已经安息了)

02) lucky 一只红桔色的虎斑猫



爸爸: (bob) Robert Gene Carter

妈妈: Jane E. Spaulding Carter

哥哥: Nick Carter (23)

姐姐: Ginger [同父异母] (36), B.J.(27), Leslie (22), Angel [in] (21)

外祖父: (Doug) Charles Douglas Spaulding

外继祖母: Linda Spaulding

外祖母: Helen Neal

祖父: (chuck) Charles Carter

祖母: Barbara Carter

舅舅: Scott, Steve, and John spaulding

叔叔: 无

姑姑: 已结婚: Scott`s wife - Roxanne Spaulding, John`s wife - Denise Spaulding, and Steve`s ex-wife - Debbie Spaulding

阿姨: 无

表/堂兄弟姐妹: Steve and Debbie`s kids: John (27), Steve (22), Alex (21), Josh (18), Adam (12), and Arynn (11) Spaulding; Scott and Roxanne`s kids: Dustin (26) and Derek (24) Spaulding; John and Denise`s kids: Scott (12) and Evan (8) Spaulding

最好的朋友: Craig Velger

Angel的朋友: Allison Murphy, Lindsay Lohan (actress,Aaron's ex-girlfriend), Natalie Velger (Craig`s sister)

Nick的朋友: Tony Bass, Mike Self, Brett

宠物: Aaron有42只宠物


Aaron has a total of 12 scars Aaron总共有12道伤疤

Aaron has o scars on his face 两条在他的脸上

Aaron has six scars on his legs 六条在他的腿上

Aaron has four scars on his arms 四条在他的手臂上

Aaron doesn't get along with Bow Wow 他和Bow Wow关系不是很好

Aaron doesn't get along with Billy Gilman 他和Billy Gilman关系不是很好(我不知道 这两个名字是什么呀)

Aaron is a half Jewish 他有一半犹太人血统

Aaron's dad, Bob, is fully Jewish 他的父亲 Bob 是个纯粹的犹太人

Aaron is attracted to Blondes 他特别喜欢金发女郎

Aaron hates closed spaces 他特别讨厌封闭的空间

Aaron refused the part of Peter Pan 他拒绝了彼得潘的部分(我不是歌迷所以不知道 这句有可能是说他不愿意像彼得潘一样拒绝长大,或者他拒绝了参演《彼得潘》?不清楚ing)

Aaron played little league football 他几乎不打足球联赛

Aaron graduates high school in 2005 他将于2005年在高等院校毕业

Aaron is right handed他是右撇子

Aaron is in the 1998 Guiness Book of World Records 他被1988年Guiness Book世界记录记载

Aaron has recorded many unheard Christmas Songs 他录制了很多大家没听过的圣诞歌曲

Aaron mis-pronounces Cinnamon 他总是会读错cinnamon(桂皮)的音

Aaron prefers red licorice over black 相对于黑色的欧甘草他更喜欢红色的

Aaron says his first 'real job' was mowing lawns 他说自己第一份真正意义上的工作是修建草坪

Aaron wanted his child-hood group "Dead End" to be called "Dirty Drumsticks" 他想让自己童年时的团体“Dead End”改名为“Dirty Drumsticks”

Aaron can jet ski 他会滑水(这个也不是特清楚 但这是我能想到最接近的意思了)

Aaron got a scuba diving certificate at the age of 8 他8岁时就拿到了潜水证书了

Aaron got a motorcycle license at the age of 9 他9岁时拿到了摩托车许可证

Aaron got his driving permit at the age of 15 他15岁时拿到了驾驶执照

When Aaron is older, he would like to start his own record label and name in Static 当他再大一点的时候,他更愿意做有自己特色的唱片并且取名为Static(静态 无变化)

Aaron swallowed a marble while recording his second album, "Aaron's Party (Come Get It)," in NY 在纽约录制第二张专集时“Aaron's Party(Come Get It)”他吞进了一颗玻璃弹子

Aaron jumped a 15ft wide rine on his motorcycle. His bike made it over but Aaron didn't. He fell like 10ft and landed on his back. 他骑着摩托车跳跃一个15英尺宽的峡谷。他的摩托车跳过去了但他摔了下来。他在10英尺左右摔下并背部着地。

Aaron says he will always be a solo singing artist 他说他将永远是一个单独的歌手。

Aaron plays the drums, piano, guitar, and saxophone他会打鼓,弹钢琴,弹吉他以及吹萨克斯。

===============Aaron Carter说过的所有很COOL的话==================

"I want to touch the sun. I want to try my best, for everything and anything."

"Why doesnt anyone want to talk to me? I'm a funny guy!"

"Hey! Mullets are cool!"

"Oh C'mon! Everyone wants some sugar!"

"Wash Wash, Wash the dishes"

"This album is just about pure fun!"

"Look mom! They look like puppies!"

"Fans should be the 1st priority, then the artist themselves"

"I'm here to do my generation of music."

"Blondes are really attractive, with blue eyes."

"I think God wanted me to be who I am."

"Did you always know that I would be... me?"

"It's kinda like acting, well, actually, that's what it is."

"In a way, the other kids are wishing they could be where I am, and I'm wishing I could be where they are."

"Jake fell on of me in the bus."

"I was *** ushed inbeeen a tree by a car."

"MTV and I never really got along; my lyrics aren't explicit enough for them."

"Ahh, Knee Pain, Got a Knee Pain!"

"Nick cant rap, it's impossible for him..."

"I'm gonna poke ya!"

"Oh yeah, yeah."

"I've been blessed with a good family, and I'd be hy with that no matter what."

"I'm finding it's easier to date someone in the business, and I've learned not to talk about myself on dates - to always listen to what girls he to say... they're usually right."

"Life is nothing but a big party; you need to not take it for granted because you don't live forever."

"Since I first heard the word of it."

"He asks me for advice, it's really weird."

"I he no clue!"

"Honestly, I thought it was just being recognized and hing everybody in the whole world love you."

"I he scars all over my body"

"I hope My fans grow with me, losing them would be a shame"

"I really shouldnt be allowed to he sugar"

"But you know, you actually he a lot more enemies being a star than you do being a normal person, because some people get jealous, some people don't think you're fit for it, or some people just wanna be doing what you do."

"What do you old guys do?"

"I'm not mature when I'm on stage, theres no fun in that!"

"What I'm doing is trying to do is get with every girl in the whole universe in five minutes."

"I'm just lookin' for the name tags right now."

"I don't really wear anything, except for a pair of shorts."

"I'm very excited 'cause there are alotta pretty, young ladies here tonight."

"You can't be afraid to go up to someone you're into. You just go up to them and initiate conversation, but be a good listener, too."

"I won't be changing [my name] to A. Diddy anytime soon."

"How'd I get a jersey with the name O'neal? Actually, my mom bought it for me."

"Bustin' out the moves like it's TRL. What. What."

"I dunno-we just dance around."

"Honestly, I don't think that would be such a good idea."

"You better start now!"

"I want to be like Will, you know; hing fun ring without hing to talk about all that crap to make myself look good."

"When people like your CD, it's just like hitting a home run in baseball."

"I thought there was a ghost in the room last night."

"I'm a little tired, can't even think right now."

"Oscar is really cute, he's my little buddy!"

"I used to make weird things."

"I've seen about 15 'Aaron's' online at one time."

"My first American award and [Nick] had to screw it up!"

"All the girls in my family can cook!"

"I'm just disointed that I didn't get a good burp in when I [ge the award to Diaz]."

"We can't do no 'Gettin' Jiggy With It'!"

"The place we bought, I think it's haunted!"

"I can't sleep at night because I look around every time I hear something."

"There's a lot of hard work, definitely. I just want to stay towards the ground, not look up to the sky, not get too big-headed, you know what I mean?"

"I know how to get away, fast!"

"I got a ring for you too."

"Are you in space or something?"

"No, it's just Canada, eh?"

"My other sister, Leslie Carter, is that her last name?"

"I think [Britney and Christina] are perfect, but I he to say that Britney does dress a lot better than Christina. She always looks good."

"I wear weird clothes."

"I'm for real!"

"Basically what I look for in a girl is personality."

"I wanna be like me!"

"Of course I feel strange."

"My music is mostly for girls, because I like singing to them."

"One time this girl she hopped on the back of the bus and rode on it for like 2 hours. I think we sped at a gas station or something and they looked behind the bus and this girl's like... hanging on the back trying to hang on. I said if you get off I'll give you an autograph!"

"It's pretty hot here, but not as hot as all the girls in here!"

"I never expected this to hen to me. Because, in my old group Dead End, I sucked. And I didn't think I was going anywhere."

"I prefer asking a girl out. It just feels better."

"I like a very fun girl--very fun and playful!"

"Basically what I look for in a girl is personality."

"I was expecting to go there and get away from all of the screaming girls, but somehow they found me"

"Actually I got it from the dressing room"

"Thats messed up"

"When I like a girl alot, I'll start asking about her"

"She [Christina] winked at me!"

"Don't tell me that..."

"I won't be changing my name to A. Diddy anytime soon."

"My record for IMs is 35 at one time!"

"Dude, we ain't no Brady Bunch!"

"I can burp on mand."

"I like waffles."

"Staying alllllivvvee."

"They go to the bathroom with me [Laughs] Everywhere..."


亚伦·卡特中文网 :aaroncarter./

E视明星俱乐部 :e.andtv./new/home.aspx?id=653

AC新闻网 :aaronnews./

哪个欧美歌手唱过 黑白猜

eenie meenie - sean kingston ft. justin bieber



胖的是Sean Kingston ,小的是Justin Bieber~



求欧美歌手miley cyrus的一首MV歌名?

7 things



经典歌曲:I WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOU 惠特尼版本经典得让人忘记了她不是原唱 (后面是下载地址)


2,Mariah Carey

经典歌曲:HERO 凯瑞自出道以来就不断地被人跟惠特妮对比,不论嗓音,乐坛地位都要对比。黑白混血的她虽然在小的时候受人歧视。不过,不得不说她的黑人父亲遗传给了她一幅爆发力的好嗓音(后面是下载地址)


3,Christina Aguilera



4,leona lewis

最流行的歌:bleeding love 对于这位歌手,我几乎不了解。但听完这首歌发现真的很不错(后面是下载地址)


5,Katy Perry

推荐歌曲:I kissed a girl 歌极其好听。而且向你推荐这支歌德MV,超华丽,超美丽的感觉。(后面是下载地址)






(1)if u seek amy


(2)ooh ooh baby


(3)mona lisa


林肯公园的you are beautiful歌词

The Clash~《London Calling》(最棒的朋克乐,个人觉得比性,雷蒙斯都经典)

SKID ROW~《SKID ROW》(偏流行的重金属1989)

AC/DC~《Highway to Hell》(本斯科特的最后声音)

Green Day~《International Superhits!》(很流行很好听的的朋克)

Megadeth~《Countdown to Extinction》(最喜欢的激流金属)

Limp Bizkit~《Three Dollar Bill Y'All》(太棒的新金属)


Marilyn Manson~《Lest We Forget- The Best Of》(曼森的精选)

exploited~《Should We, Can't We》(朋克)

Elvis Presley~《2nd to None》(猫王)

Dimmu Borgir~《Enthrone Darkness Triumphant》(最好的旋律黑金)

Bob Marley~《The Complete Bob Marley & the Wailers》 (1967-12,雷鬼)

Cannibal Corpse~《Butchered at Birth》(纯正的美式死亡金属)

Immortal~《Sons of Northern Darkness》(最正点的原始黑金)

Eric Clapton~《Unplugged》(很有名的老头)

Enigma~《The Screen Behind the mirror》(英格玛)



Pantera~《Cowboys From Hell》(潘朵拉的第一张)

Metallica~《Ride the Lightning》(很出名的M)


Primus~《Sailing the Seas of Cheese》(全部专辑中这个最好)

Sopor Aeternus & the Ensemble of Shadows~《Es reiten die Toten so schnell》(属于最极端的范畴,听了想死的艺术)

Suede~《A New Morning》(山羊皮的最好一张)

The Cure(许多歌都很好听的,每张都不错,很流行很好听)

The Red Hot Chili Peppers~《Californication》(质量相当不稳定乐队,不过这张还不错)

The Sex Pistols~《Never Mind》(性)

Pink Floyd~《Echoes The Best of Pink Floyd》(其实Pink Floyd的所有歌普遍听烂的,推荐张精选)

The New York Dolls~《Too Much Too Soon》(很老的乐队了)


Death 一直 是我的最爱,是第一支接触的过的死亡金属Chuck也被称为死亡之父

Deicide 算是最邪恶的了,风格较Cannibal Corpse来说更加多变,最关紧的就是快有剁肉的感觉

Obituary 生死簿偏碾一点但声音绝对比低吼好听的多,前几张专辑甚是经典

Carcass Morbid Angel只能说一般,很大牌的乐队,不过现在听真的一般




像“死胎”,和Disgorge,Murder Squad,In Flames 这样的小乐队现在发的太多了,只是听上去是比较多样化,比较变态,尤其Disgorge的呕吐唱腔




Six Feet Under 做得太蠢太慢适合不甚了解者本人不推荐!

Exhumed 和Avulsed每张专辑的封面都能体现出他们的残忍!远比Cannibal Corpse的卡通画爽的多,哈 很猛






Dimmu Borgir应该不会不知道的,与Cradle Of Filth同样大牌的,早期有几首很漂,有一张早期合集《挪威之王》里能找到!其中也包括了Ancient,Arcturus这样的乐队

Dragon Lord,Epoch Of Unlight,Summoning,Sentenced搜一下这几个乐队,都比较新,混合更多的元素



At the Gates



Immortal,Mayhem,Marduk(个人的最爱)很原始不过很喜欢,并非Darkthrone,Dark Funeral之类的纯原始不修饰





这是James Blunt的歌,并不是林肯公园的My life is brilliant. 我的人生缤纷灿烂。 My life is brilliant. 我的人生缤纷灿烂。 My love is pure. 我的爱如此纯真。 I saw an angel. 因为我见过天使。 Of that I'm sure. 对此,我深信不疑。 She smiled at me on the subway. 她在地下铁上对着我微笑。 She was with another man. 虽然身边伴着另一个男人。 But I won't lose no sleep on that, 但我可不会为此辗转难眠, 'Cause I've got a plan. 因为我已有心理准备。 You're beautiful. You're beautiful, 你就是这么美,你就是这么美, You're beautiful, it's true. 你就是这么的美,这是千真万确。 I saw your face in a crowded place, 我曾在人潮拥挤之处瞥见你的脸, And I don't know what to do, 这令我不知所措。 'Cause I'll never be with you. 因为我和你永远无法相依。 Yeah, she caught my eye, 是啊,我视线被她占据。 As we walked on by. 在我们擦身而过的瞬间。 She could see from my face that I was, 她应该可以从我的神情看出, flying high, 我欣喜若狂飞上云霄, And I don't think that I'll see her again, 我想,我将再也见不到她。 But we shared a moment that will last till the end. 但我们共享了永恒的片刻。 You're beautiful. You're beautiful. 你就是这么美 你就是这么美。 You're beautiful, it's true. 你就是这么的美 这是千真万确。 I saw your face in a crowded place, 我曾在人潮拥挤之处瞥见你的脸 And I don't know what to do, 这令我不知所措, 'Cause I'll never be with you. 因为我和你永远无法相依。 You're beautiful. You're beautiful. 你就是这么美,你就是这么美。 You're beautiful, it's true. 你就是这么的美,这是千真万确。 There must be an angel with a smile on her face, 我看到了笑起来跟她一模一样的天使, When she thought up that I should be with you. 当她也想到我们应该在一起时。 But it's time to face the truth, 但,该是面对事实的时候了, I will never be with you. 我和你永远无法相依。


1.I need a doctor

这首歌是EMINEM与他的恩师Dr. Dre 的合唱,是EMINEM写给经历了丧子之痛的DR.DRE,让他能够重新振作起来的一首歌,视屏最后有一段DR.DRE的健身,非常好听以及好看。


2.Cleaning Out My Closet ://v.youku/v_show/id_XMjQwOTY0MDg0.html


3.When I'm Gone ://v.youku/v_show/id_XMTcwMDQyMTA4.html


4.Lose yourself ://v.youku/v_show/id_XMjA4NjA3MTMy.html

EMINEM的成名曲,来此他的奥斯卡获奖**<8 MILE> 全美12周冠军歌曲,格莱美04年最佳年度歌曲等等奖项,我每次听到这首歌都会充满,常常用来跑步的时候听。

5.Love the way you lie ://v.youku/v_show/id_XMTk3Mjc1Nzcy.html


6.Not Afraid ://v.youku/v_show/id_XMTgwMjMxMzYw.html


7.The way i am ://v.youku/v_show/id_XMTk2MjI3NjYw.html


8.White america ://v.youku/v_show/id_XNDY4NzY2MA==.html


9.Mockingbird ://v.youku/v_show/id_XMTgxOTIyMzA4.html


10.Space bound ://v.youku/v_show/id_XMjc5NjEyNTYw.html


Black eyed peas(黑眼豆豆):是一支深受灵魂乐、爵士乐与拉丁节奏与现场演唱精神所启发的放克/嘻哈队伍,will.i.am、Fergie、apl.de.ap、Taboo四位团员组成。09年《the end》专辑成为全球最佳畅销专辑,具有国际印象里的组合。

11.Don't stop the party ://v.youku/v_show/id_XMjY1ODY0NzIw.html


12.I gotta feeling ://v.youku/v_show/id_XMjA0MDgzNTM2.html


13.The time ://v.youku/v_show/id_XMjI0NzU0NTc2.html

这首是2010年新专辑主打歌,风格和dont stop the party类同,只是这首更让大家所熟知,高潮部分也很劲爆,很喜欢。

14.Just can't get enough ://v.youku/v_show/id_XMjUxMzcxOTgw.html


15.My humps ://v.youku/v_show/id_XMjM2MTUzODUy.html

05年《Monkey Business》专辑的主打歌,女主唱Fergie的声音 磁性十足,MV也很,曾获得billboard top100第二名的成绩。

16.Boom boom pow ://v.youku/v_show/id_XODY0NjY5Njg=.html

09年《the end》主打歌曲,就如同歌名一样,听了就感觉心脏boom boom pow,快感十足的一首,高潮很嗨!

Linkin Park(林肯公园):世界上最优秀的现场表演金属核团团体之一,你可以说以前从没有听说过,也可以用你对音乐对时尚最挑剔的眼光审视他们,但是无论如何,林肯公园的确是这个时代最独一无二的混种音乐霸王。

17.Numb ://v.youku/v_show/id_XMjMwOTkwNjUy.html


18.Numb encore ://v.youku/v_show/id_XMzE3ODY2MzM2.html

另一个版本的Numb 不过不同之处是这首由Jay-z , Eminem , Dr.Dre三大天王参与,更加劲爆,本人更喜欢这个版本。

19.In the end ://v.youku/v_show/id_XMTEwOTY5MzI4.html

林肯公园乐队在全球影响力最大的一首歌,不提前奏的悲凉,不提高潮的震撼,单是歌词,在末尾的那一句:"In the end,it doesn't even matter!"就足以让人瞬间产生发自内心的感慨。

20.New divide ://v.youku/v_show/id_XOTgwMzgyMTI=.html

变形金刚2主题曲,Chester Bennington的愤怒呼喊声依然给力。in every loss,in every ile 的高潮部分四射!!!

21.Some where i belong ://v.youku/v_show/id_XMzc0NjUxMDg=.html


22.What I've Done ://v.youku/v_show/id_XNzI0NTM0NA==.html


Pitbull(斗牛犬):也是最近才有名的古巴籍美国饶舌歌手,虽然年过30,长得也是一张猥琐脸,不过他的歌永远是大热门,MV永远有2美女左右陪伴,和许多大牌的联手比如Usher,Enrique iglesias,Jennifer Lopez等

23.I know you want me ://v.youku/v_show/id_XOTI4MTE3OTY=.html


24.Bon bon ://v.youku/v_show/id_XMjExODY2NTc2.html


25.Give Me Everything ://v.youku/v_show/id_XMjY2MTQyMzk2.html

一首2011年红遍世界的歌,与 ne-yo联手,国内好像人气不高,不过youtube以2亿多的收听率位居榜首长达数周,我经常用这首的节奏来做5分钟仰卧起坐。

26.Rain Over Me ://v.youku/v_show/id_XMjg5MzU2MTg0.html

和give me everything相似,只是这次与Marc Anthony联手,也是2011年美国 Billboard 20强歌曲!

27.On the floor ://v.youku/v_show/id_XMjQ4MTM2MjM2.html



28.yeah ://v.youku/v_show/id_XMjgwMjQ2OA==.html


29.moving mountains ://v.youku/v_show/id_XMTczMzYzNTg4.html


30.dj got us fallin in love ://v.youku/v_show/id_XMjAxODM2ODE2.html

也是一首 超人气歌曲,与pitbull联手,很有节奏感的歌,健身房动感单车还有杠铃操经常放的一首。

Rihanna(蕾哈娜):说她是当今最红的女歌手应该没有什么争议,88年出生的她,在Billboard Hot 100榜单上有11首冠军单曲,52年历史上最快达到该成绩的个人歌手。新专辑《we found love》蝉联10周冠军,销售量突破1亿3千万。

31.Disturbia ://v.youku/v_show/id_XMzY0NzMwNjg=.html


32.Only girl ://v.youku/v_show/id_XMjE2MzI5MjYw.html


33.S&M ://v.youku/v_show/id_XMjk0NzUxNzk2.html


Jay-Z:不是国内的JAY... 是一个美国嘻哈音乐艺术家、企业家,冠军专辑数:11张(历史第二,超越猫王,仅次于披头士)自从1998年以来,Jay Z的全部八张个人专辑全部都在Billboard 200专辑榜中夺魁,以及NBA大多数球星都是听他的歌长大的。

34.Empire State of Mind ://v.youku/v_show/id_XMTI5MjgzNDY4.html

这首歌是jay z与美国著名R&B女星Alicia Keys共同合作演绎的经典单曲,歌词是对纽约的致敬,很不错的一首歌。

35.Umbrella ://v.youku/v_show/id_XMjk2MTcyNzY0.html


Lady gaga:不多介绍了,获得过2011年top100福布斯世界最具影响力名人之首,出道4年,lady gaga创下了多项世界记录,包括英国单曲榜年度在榜周数最久记录(156周)几首人气歌曲比如《poker face》《Bad Romance》都获得过不少的奖项。

36.Judas ://v.youku/v_show/id_XMjgxNTI5MTI0.html


37.Born This Way ://v.youku/v_show/id_XMzMzNjQyMjY4.html


Lmfao:是一个电子&舞曲乐队,他们是一个组合,成员是Redfoo和Sky Blu,两个人都是DJ兼rer。

38.Party Rock Anthem ://v.youku/v_show/id_XMzI4MDc3MzA4.html

这首是他们的成名歌曲,去年击败Jennifer Lopez新单在英国单曲榜夺冠,他们的舞蹈也让人圣魂颠倒。high到极致!!极力推荐!youtube以4亿的收听量排在第五位。

39.Sexy and I Know It ://v.youku/v_show/id_XMzA5ODQ2OTI0.html


Marilyn Manson(玛丽莲·曼森):既是美国重金属乐队名称,也是该乐队主音艺名。玛丽莲曼森可以说是史上最离经叛道的重金属组合,他们的封面不是骷髅就是吓人的死尸,而该乐团的所有成员,全都以连环杀手或变态狂的名字为艺名。

40.This is the new shit ://v.youku/v_show/id_XMjAwMzkyODY4.html


41.Sweet.dreams ://v.youku/v_show/id_XOTQ0MDQwNjQ=.html


42.adele - rolling in the deep ://v.youku/v_show/id_XMjM5NDYzNjIw.html


43.Jessie J/B.O.B - Price Tag ://v.youku/v_show/id_XMjQwNTc1NDQ4.html


44.flo rida - Low ://v.youku/v_show/id_XMTY2Mjk1NTY=.html


45.flo rida - club can't handle me ://v.youku/v_show/id_XMTkwNTg3MTYw.html


46.Michael Jackson - Billie Jean ://v.youku/v_show/id_XMTQ4MjEwNzA4.html


47.Kesha - Tik Tok ://v.youku/v_show/id_XMTMwNzM3Njc2.html


48.Sak noel - loca people ://v.youku/v_show/id_XMzA4MDk1NDky.html


49.DJ Earworm - United State of Pop 2009 ://v.youku/v_show/id_XMTQyMDkxNjg0.html


50.DJ Earworm - United State of Pop 2011 ://v.youku/v_show/id_XMzM3MzY5MzU2.html



接下来揭晓我心中的top 10 劲爆歌曲!!!

1. eminem - lose yourself 我是E迷,这首永远是我的最爱。

2. black eyed peas - don’t stop the party 每次听完像吃了氮泵一样,尤其是高潮,爽!

3. eminem - the way i am 气势和风格让我感到充满力量

4. black eyed peas - the time 同dont stop the party

5. linkin park - Numb encore 太high了,主场最后的怒吼被深深的震撼了。

6. eminem - white america 这首歌虽然没有什么名气,不过就劲爆来说,绝对是EMINEM最high的歌之一。

7. pitbull - Give Me Everything 以前不太喜欢,现在百听不厌,用它节奏做5分钟俯卧撑效果很好。

8. flo rida - club can't handle me 我跑步的时候少不了这首,最后高潮,我边跑边跟着节奏来,感觉很爽。

9. eminem - Not Afraid 跟着节奏 i'm not afraid to take a stand, everybody come take my hand....太high太。

10. Marilyn Manson - This is the new shit 最后一首还是选他了,其实还纠结了几首,不过看起来还是这首最,疯狂!